Teaching in the Genes

Blog post by Liddy Laird

I’m sure many of us had an inspirational teacher during our days at school or university. These teachers made lasting impressions on us and were often responsible for setting us off on our future career pathways.

My own family is now it its 5th generation of teachers and I am very proud of my family’s history.

In the late 1880s, my great-grandfather was headmaster of a tiny village school in South Ferriby, South Lincolnshire. The school roll then was about 30 kids from the surrounding rural area and included his own three children. He was the headmaster/teacher while my great-grandmother supervised embroidery and knitting. These children were all given the opportunity of a full education.


South Ferriby Primary School 1880s in its entirety with Liddy’s great-grandfather Edwin Shrigley (headteacher) on right. Liddy’s grandmother Florence Shrigley ‘as a pupil’ is back row 4th from the right.

His school is still in existence. It was rebuilt in 2005 and now has about 65 pupils and all the modern facilities we expect and take for granted in primary schools in the UK. They have a staff of 12 including 5 teachers, 2 managers, 2 kitchen staff, caretaker and office staff.

What a contrast this makes to Uphill Junior School. Although it is another rural community, there are currently over 200 children in the school taught by 10 teachers.

The new school year in Uganda starts at the end of January 2017 and the school roll is going to increase as they will have a Primary 7 class for the first time. Ideally, the school requires two more teachers to complete the teaching staff.


Qualified teachers at Uphill are paid around £50 per month.

Yes, £50 per month!

These teachers work from 7.30am to 5pm on weekdays and sometimes evenings and weekends when the children who need it get extra tuition. To further their training, many of them do their own studies in the school holidays.

These are the people who will inspire the Uphill children to achieve their potential, giving them the chance of secondary education, the very thing which we take for granted.


A regular monthly donation would be ideal, but a one-off gift would also make a huge difference. We always welcome donations to help fund the Uphill teachers.


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